Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Why Fiction in English Class is Important

We tend to get pretty wrapped up in our own lives sometimes. This can make our views and opinions pretty one-dimensional. Characters in books have this awesome ability to show us something else, something new. They help us achieve a new perspective, or a new feeling on a topic. Reading removes us from ourselves, and that is the value of an English course, and mandatory readings. It reinforces the idea that reading is important, and doesn’t just have to be done in an English class. It helps us see things we could never see on our own. 


  1. Your opinion is very direct and down to earth. In simple terms it makes a lot of sense to. I think the new perspectives that books show us help us learn. Sometimes we as individuals think we can learn and know everything we try to understand. But sometimes knowledge in a different form, like a story, character, or place, can make us realize that what we understood was not wholly right in the first place.

  2. We have the same thoughts on characters in literature. I believe they all represent something the author wants us to learn or notice about them. As you said, they show us something new; or maybe what we are told every single day, but in a different way.

  3. What you said is exactly why literature so important and valuable: "They help us achieve a new perspective, reading removes us from ourselves." This is totally different from the others ways we learn stuff in school. In other classes, knowledges were taught to us. We learn passively. But reading classic literature is a process of understanding by ourselves and we accept it naturally.
