Thank you Andrew Miller, for the pipe in the basement.
Thank you J.D. Salinger for the carousel in the park and watching his sister go round and round,
Holden's hunting cap and sitting in the dorm room, and the diner with the nuns.
Thank you Cormac McCarthy for sitting on the beach with the sky all dark, the basement and the people chained to the walls and the man without legs, and hiding and watching the truck.
Thank you Mitch Albom for the Vietnam war vet and the Blue Man.
Thank you Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee for the politicians arrival in a small town.
Thank you Harper Lee for running in the dark with a ham costume.
It is sad to think that other students won't have the same opportunities to thank their favourite authors due to the removal of fictional novels. It is clear that the authors you've mentioned have written stories that have truly moved you and caused you to develop a greater appreciation for reading.